Token Lifecycle

The Token Lifecycle section covers how and when tokens can be Created, Transferred, Used, and Destroyed.

Creating Tokens

As a BRC20 token, 100% of the supply is minted in the initial TGE. Not minting all tokens at once would allow for bots and front-runners to grab any remaining unminted portion. This does not mean 100% of supply is immediately distributed in circulation. After the minting TGE:

  • 11.5% of tokens are distributed immediately at the TGE.

  • The remaining tokens are distributed over 60 months following TGE.

  • No TRIO tokens can be created outside the initial total supply of 21,000,000.

Transferring Tokens

Tokens that have yet to be distributed are transferable but are held by the OrdinalsBot core team in a multi-signature wallet to be distributed per the details in the Emissions and Vesting Schedule section.

Distributed tokens can be freely transferred, with no restrictions, but doing so may forfeit any unclaimed ‘Hodling Rewards’, discussed in the Use Case and Utility section.

In the future, TRIO may integrate with one or more Bitcoin L2s to support functionality such as staking that would allow users to optionally lock up tokens, temporarily restricting their transferability.

Using Tokens

TRIO is used to pay for various OrdinalsBot products and services with a 20% discount on all OrdinalsBot service fees. Tokens used to pay fees are partially allocated to fund future user rewards and partially retained by the treasury, pending any future governance votes on these allocations.

TRIO is used to distribute prizes and “Hodling Rewards”, as discussed in the Use Case and Utility section.

TRIO is used in governance processes to give users control over OrdinalsBot and various parameters, as discussed in the Governance section.

Destroying Tokens

TRIO tokens may be burned by transferring them to Satoshi’s wallet in the following situations depending on input from the governance process:

  • Some or all of the tokens used to pay for service fees may be burned pending future governance votes.

  • Unclaimed token rewards or airdrops may be burned or used to fund future expenses or additional token rewards pending future governance votes.

  • Excess Treasury tokens may be either burned or used to fund future expenses or additional future token rewards pending future governance votes.

In the future, TRIO may integrate with one or more Bitcoin L2s and may support additional functionality that might burn the token in additional situations, such as:

  • Burning slashed collateral from launchpad curators.

  • Burning tokens to increase chances of winning a white-list spot to an exclusive or oversubscribed mint event.

  • Burning tokens to access or pay for certain features.

Last updated