Ecosystem Roles & Behaviors

As with any marketplace platform, multiple types of users interact with OrdinalsBot, each with their own preferences, motivations, and expected behaviors.

The TRIO token further strengthens OrdinalsBot’s suite of products and value proposition by mitigating adversarial behaviors, aligning incentives, and increasing network effects.


Desirable Behaviors

Rational users are expected to exhibit the following desirable behaviors:

  1. Minimize the fees they pay to mint.

  2. Maximize their access to exclusive or high-interest mints and token launches.

  3. Trade and swap for tokens and inscriptions they believe are undervalued.

  4. Bridge tokens and inscriptions to their preferred chains.

Adversarial Behaviors

Whether motivated by profit or griefing, these users may exhibit the following adversarial behaviors:

  1. Mint a significant portion of the total supply during mint events or token launches.

  2. Sybil attacks high-interest mint events or token launches.

  3. Spam or grief communities.


  1. OrdinalsBots’ Controlled Launch feature enables collections to whitelist minters and place effective maximums that any given address can mint.

  2. Token gating based on a project’s own token or TRIO holdings acts as a Sybil-resistance mechanism, reducing abuses of high-interest mints. Collectors get a fairer launch and collections get a better distribution of ownership.

  3. OrdinalBot’s Token gating services help curate the quality of community members as an anti-spam mechanism.


Desirable Behaviors

Rational users are expected to exhibit the following desirable behaviors:

  1. Launch their collections or tokens on the OrdinalsBot launchpad.

  2. Leverage OrdinalsBot’s tools and infrastructure to optimize for a broad distribution of token ownership, avoid whales or MEV bots, and manage token vesting and payments.

Adversarial Behaviors

Whether motivated by profit or griefing, these users may exhibit the following adversarial behaviors:

  1. Launch rug-pull or scam projects.


  1. The TRIO token allows for incentive-aligned signaling and community curation of projects that launch. In the future, potential staking-weighted and/or governance-powered community curation can help prevent low-quality, scam, or rug-pull projects since token holders have an incentive to filter out these projects in the curation process.

Bitcoin Miners

Desirable Behaviors

Rational users are expected to exhibit the following desirable behaviors:

  1. Mine OrdinalsBot transactions in the order they are placed, without front-running or conducting other forms of MEV in return for an ongoing partnership with OrdinalsBot.

Adversarial Behaviors

Whether motivated by profit or griefing, these users may exhibit the following adversarial behaviors:

  1. Re-arrange or front-run transactions to snipe a ticker and ransom it, mint a significant portion of a token supply, or extract other forms of MEV.


  1. OrdinalsBot’s exclusive partnership with a major Bitcoin miner provides front-running protection.

Last updated